Thursday, July 25, 2013

Week 6

Rain rain go away. Not only was this afternoon's pick up in the rain (which is slowly becoming the norm) but it was also cold. Very odd seeing that it is mid July and we had record breaking temps in the 100's just a few days ago. But what else would we talk about in New England if the weather was not cray-cray?

There was another fabulous volunteer at the depot this evening. She saw me running up with Stella in my arms (too muddy to let her roam free) and immediately offered to help me gather my goods. She informed me she is the mother of 17 month twins. God bless her.

The Week 6 bounty included:
  • 1 & 1/2 pounds of red onion (look at that color!)
  • 1 pound carrots
  • Beet (other option was scallions)
  • Kale (there were two other leafy greens to choose from, Bok Choy being one, callaloo the other)
  • 1 pound green beans
  • 1 head of salad lettuce

Once home, the normal routine of lettuce washing commenced. I contemplated a quick batch of Kale chips since it was so chilly, it would have actually been nice to turn on the oven. But laziness and a stubborn, cranky toddler both did me in for the evening.

I was able to crank out a little chopped tomato, mozzarella with some of the salad lettuce for a nice little dinner this evening.

this never gets old
Meanwhile, a cranky and stubborn Stella insisted on being pushed in her stroller around the house. And did not want to get out of said stroller. Rainy nights are so much fun! So, I did a mom-improvise and served her dinner as is:

bath time was equally fun

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