Friday, July 19, 2013

Week 5

Whoops! I am so in the groove, I completely forgot to snap a picture of the goods this week.
On the positive side, there was no puppy to scare Stella at the pick-up. Instead there was an excellent volunteer who offered to watch Stella as I went around to get the veggies . Thank you!

This weeks share included:
  • Three ears of corn
  • Two more onions (I probably could have taken three, but I still have the other three from last week)
  • Two more green peppers 
  • One Head of salad lettuce (other choice was beets)
  • One Head of Pointy Head Cabbage (I choose not to take this one - I am pretty sure I wouldn't eat it)
  • One pound of the snap peas
I also snaged a pint of fresh blueberries, as they had extra they were selling. Stella 'sampled' a few from the table as well. Along with some snap peas and what I think was a cherry. She wanted to try everything.

I quickly did the lettuce wash once home, munching on sliced cucumbers and green peppers with hummus while doing so. And I have already enjoyed a lovely salad at work today.

I really want to do a Stir-Fry type meal with the snap peas, pepper, onions and a protein (beef?). But looking at the recipes on line, it seems a little daunting of a task for me.... Maybe!

No food pictures this week, so here is one of Stella and Annie (we are dog sitting this week). They have turned into best buds.

going "night night" on Annie's dog bed

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