Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Peppas and Onions

The plethora of peppers and onions has been growing in the fridge. I wanted to do a stir-fry of sorts with these; but really - who am I kidding? Baby steps.

I decided to just wing it again and do a basic saute with some meat I bought over the weekend. It was a Monday evening, so my husband Paul (a chef by trade) was home and provided a little "guidance". He also put our daughter to bed, so I had a toddler free kitchen, which resulted in a much earlier dinner time.

I also started a pot of rice to go along. Due to the chef-husband, there are always an assortment of spice flavoring options. This evening we opted for a little Cajun rice.

First, I cooked the meat -- thin-sliced steak-tip meat, with a little olive oil on a warm pan, and salt & pepper to the steak.

Lesson Learned: I probably should have cut the meat up first.
I ended up cooking half way, removing and cutting, then finishing off

Once the steak was cooked up (only a few minutes, I am not a well-done meat kinda gal.) I added the onions and peppers to pan to cook.

the smell was pretty awesome

At this point, the chef-husband was back in the kitchen. It is kind of hard for him to let go of any kitchen reins, so instead of having him over my shoulder the entire time, he finished off the pepper and onions. He added a little water to the pan, along with some minced garlic from the fridge. I was totally okay with the over-taking as it was another 90 degree day.

Once everything was done, I opted to plate myself both some rice and a wheat wrap with some shredded cheese and the peppers, onions and steak. I ate the wrap and was stuffed, so the rest was perfect for a work lunch the next day.

I am glad I did this - I feel perhaps a little more confident now to do a stir-fry. Everything was really yummy and lunch the next day heated up really well.

flowers from the yard. I love the color. they match the kitchen

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