Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Kohlrabi & Potato fries and Sauteed Pea Tendrils

A week or so back, I finally used up the Kohlrabi that was taunting me. I really wanted to make Kohlrabi "fries" but only having one Kohlrabi, it didn't really seem worth the effort. I looked multiple places (Whole Paycheck, The Basket.....) and could not find more Kohlrabi. So, I ended up getting a few small potatoes to add in.

There are multiple recipes online for this; I wanted to do simple, and just sort of winged it. (Which usually doesn't work out for me). I peeled and sliced the potatoes and Kohlrabi into the best fry shape I could muster -- which was more or a 'wedge' design. I put the wedges on a baking tray, tossed in some olive oil, added Salt, Pepper and Garlic Powder. I went a little too heavy on the oil. 

This all then went into a 425 degree oven for about 30 minutes. I kept checking, and moving them around a bit because I forgot to spay the pan, so they were sticking on the edges, and there was a giant pool of oil in the middle of the pan due to my heavy pour (must be from my old bar tending days)

About to go in
While those were baking, I figured I needed some green to eat as well. I took out the bag of pea tendrils, washed and spun them, then removed the thick center stem. These really were quite beautiful with the little flower buds on them.

close up of the pea tendrils 

Once all washed up, I sauteed them in a pan that was warm on the stove top, over low heat. With just a little olive oil, salt and pepper. 

Saute action shot

These really shrunk up. I was surprised the big bag really was not net a lot. They did smell super yummy, and I was very excited to eat them. I also added some parm cheese to these at the end.


I ended up with a pretty unbalanced plate. Lots of "fries" and a little green. 
The Kohlrabi were interesting. I could definitely tell them apart from the potato, but not in a bad way. I want to try them again. Hopefully more next time! 
The Pea Tendrils were AMAZING. I really hope to come upon these again.

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