Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sautéed Kale

There was no pick up last week due to the holiday, so I am totally ready for the pick up tomorrow!
In preparation, I figured I would finish off the kale I had in the fridge. It has been WAY too hot to even think about turning the oven on again for the tasty Kale chips, so I figured I would try them sautéed. Last night I had a very successful meal with sautéed pea tendrils, so I figured I would give it the college try.

Wash and spin...

After washing and spinning, I heated the kale, with some olive oil, sale and pepper on the stove. There was some left over (cooked) turkey bacon in the fridge that I chopped up and added.


Only took about ten minutes from start to finish, which is awesome. But I'm not sure Kale is my cup of tea. It is a little too much, if that makes any sense. Very tough. I like rare steak.


All in all, if I end up with Kale again, I would probably crank the AC and make some more yummy Kale chips!

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