Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 9

This week’s pick-up is was another one done toddler free. Who-ho

Here is week 9’s booty:
  • One head of lettuce (washed & eaten that evening)
  • Pint of Organic Grape Tomatoes
  • 4 ears of corn (brought to Cape Cod for girls weekend and grilled the next evening)
  • 1 pound of tomatoes (two some-what bruised tomatoes)
  • 2 pounds of (mixed): Green Peppers, Red Onions, Cucumbers (Beets were also an option, which I passed on)

Over all, a very boring couple of pick-ups. I have fixin’s for salads, but I think I am green pepper and onion-ed out. Hopefully I will be insired soon!

Stella and Aunt Cecily enjoying some fresh corn

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