Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Prep work

Monday evening I did mostly prep stuff, while also getting Stella's lunch and dinner ready. I think Stella may be in a bit of a carrot over-load. All of the carrots we have gotten are basically earmarked for her consumption. We have frozen some of these, but she is eating away. And if you were in my high school biology class freshman year, you would be very concerned with this. That year, our teacher brought in her 11 month daughter to visit the class. And to teach us a very important lesson. A lesson about the dangers or over eating carrots. You see... her daughter was orange.
I just had to Google myself, you know, to see if I had this irrational memory and fear of too many carrots, for no reason what so ever. I guess it is true!
Hypercarotenemia, otherwise known as carotenosis, is actually a perfectly harmless effect. It’s the effect of turning spontaneously YELLOW (not actually orange), in response to eating too many carrots. But it’s not just carrots, it can also be papaw or pumpkin, or anything else with a large amount of vitamin A. The net effect looks a bit like jaundice (what with the yellow), but is distinguishable because it doesn’t effect the sclera, or whites, of you eyes.
So, I guess it is not harmful, but still. This would have you think twice about too much carrot consumption.
That being said, I decided to shred the carrots and freeze them for future muffins.

About four cups total
Next I decided to try my hand at some pickles. I saw a recipe in one of the five hundred magazines I get and thought I should give it a try, especially since everything required was on hand (minus the dill which I picked up at the store). I also was able to use some of the fresh garlic, which turned out to be purple on the inside:

The prettiest garlic I have ever seen
I am not a fan of sweet pickles, so I am not sure why I thought I would like this recipe. For some reason, it did not dawn on me that the cup and a half of sugar would result in a sweet pickle brine. Not until I smelt this did I realize what I was doing. Oh, well. Maybe we will get invited to a BBQ in two weeks, and there will be sweet pickle lovers there.

Recipe here

See you in two -to - three weeks!
My last bit of prep was to dice up the remaining red onion to use in my salads this week.

no tears were shed. amazing

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