Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Summer Squash is kinda bland

If only I knew this previously about summer squash... But I didn't, so I ended up with quite the boring meal the other night. But at least it was a meal, and not a side dish, right??

The main component in the dish was the summer squash received at last weeks pick up. I diced it up, brushed on some olive oil, sprinkled a little salt and pepper and placed in the 450 hot oven for about 25 minutes.

That hole in the middle was for the garlic
Along with the squash, I took two garlic cloves, wrapped them in some foil, and placed them in the middle of the squash. I thought that adding some roasted garlic, salt and pepper would be enough 'seasoning' for the dish. I sorely underestimated.

Once the squash seemed done (soft, but not mushy) I mixed it with the roasted garlic, some pre-cooked quinoa, the remainder of one of the tomatoes from the share, some of the diced red onion from the share and a tine little bit of Shredded Cheddar Cheese.

BLAND was the word on the night. Not sure what else I should add next time. To Pinterest!

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