Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 13

Week 13's pick up included:

  • One bag of greens (looks like arugula and something else)
  • One bunch of salad turnips (I did not take these....)
  • One head of garlic
  • 1/2 Pound of green beans (Stella ate two of these while we were picking up. They were not the cleanest)
  • Two red peppers
  • One pound of tomatoes (Heirloom, but not the best quality. All mushy and pretty banged up)
  • One GIANT head of calla-loo (other option was a bunch of small beets)

I am thinking of sauteing up the Calla-loo, but that is a LOT. Not sure what would happen if I ate it all!
Also, getting somewhat disappointed with the quality. They tell  you not to pick over the items. Basically, you touch it, you take it, but I am thinking this is getting a little crazy.

We shall see what the rest of the season brings. I am excited that the weather has turned and turning the oven on will not be torture!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 11

Week 11's Pick Up included:
  • One pound of yellow squash (other choice: beets.)
  • One head of Broccoli
  • One pound of tomatoes
  • One pint of speciality tomatoes (I don't remember what kind they were...)
  • One head of salad lettuce

VERY bored with the pick up.
The head of lettuce was very tiny (one salad) and the tomatoes were not the best to say the least. The broccoli also has black spots on it, which I think is mold. Yuk.

We shall see what next week brings I guess!

Week 12

Week 12's pick up included:
  • 4 Ears of Corn
  • 2 pounds mixed of Carrots and Japanese Eggplant (long, purple things)
  • 2 Peppers (green and red)
  • 1.25 Pounds of Tomatoes (not impressed at the quality of these. Very squishy and bruised)
  • One "green" choice - a head of salad lettuce. Other Choices were Kale and Swiss Chard)

I am going to go google things to do with Japanese Eggplant now!

Also, I need to catch up with a few dishes I have made. The summer is definitely getting in the way! I wanted to keep up with the pick ups though so I can look back at the year and see if it is worth doing again next year.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 10

This weeks pick-up included:

  • 1 ¼ pound red potatoes
  • One pint grape tomatoes
  • One head of lettuce
  • Three ears of corn
  • ½ pound of green beans
  • 1 Bunch of Leeks (2 leeks)
  • 1 head of Fennel
  • Purchased: One quart of raspberries, after Stella basically ate a handful from a quart on the table $4

See that sneaky hand going for the fennel? As I was putting the bounty away, she actually grabbed the head of fennel and started munching on the ends of it. I washed a few pieces and cut it up and added to her dinner. I can't even stand the smell of the stuff. I have a feeling she is going to be a black lickerish fan. When I finally give her candy that is.

Another corn eating picture. The kernels seemed really small to me.
She ate the entire half.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 9

This week’s pick-up is was another one done toddler free. Who-ho

Here is week 9’s booty:
  • One head of lettuce (washed & eaten that evening)
  • Pint of Organic Grape Tomatoes
  • 4 ears of corn (brought to Cape Cod for girls weekend and grilled the next evening)
  • 1 pound of tomatoes (two some-what bruised tomatoes)
  • 2 pounds of (mixed): Green Peppers, Red Onions, Cucumbers (Beets were also an option, which I passed on)

Over all, a very boring couple of pick-ups. I have fixin’s for salads, but I think I am green pepper and onion-ed out. Hopefully I will be insired soon!

Stella and Aunt Cecily enjoying some fresh corn

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Summer Squash is kinda bland

If only I knew this previously about summer squash... But I didn't, so I ended up with quite the boring meal the other night. But at least it was a meal, and not a side dish, right??

The main component in the dish was the summer squash received at last weeks pick up. I diced it up, brushed on some olive oil, sprinkled a little salt and pepper and placed in the 450 hot oven for about 25 minutes.

That hole in the middle was for the garlic
Along with the squash, I took two garlic cloves, wrapped them in some foil, and placed them in the middle of the squash. I thought that adding some roasted garlic, salt and pepper would be enough 'seasoning' for the dish. I sorely underestimated.

Once the squash seemed done (soft, but not mushy) I mixed it with the roasted garlic, some pre-cooked quinoa, the remainder of one of the tomatoes from the share, some of the diced red onion from the share and a tine little bit of Shredded Cheddar Cheese.

BLAND was the word on the night. Not sure what else I should add next time. To Pinterest!

Friday, August 9, 2013


Thank you, Farm Share.

Because of you, I am sitting here at my desk, snacking on cucumber slices (with salt and pepper of course)

and I am not sitting here snacking on a bag of chips, readily available from the "Snack Wall"