Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 13

Week 13's pick up included:

  • One bag of greens (looks like arugula and something else)
  • One bunch of salad turnips (I did not take these....)
  • One head of garlic
  • 1/2 Pound of green beans (Stella ate two of these while we were picking up. They were not the cleanest)
  • Two red peppers
  • One pound of tomatoes (Heirloom, but not the best quality. All mushy and pretty banged up)
  • One GIANT head of calla-loo (other option was a bunch of small beets)

I am thinking of sauteing up the Calla-loo, but that is a LOT. Not sure what would happen if I ate it all!
Also, getting somewhat disappointed with the quality. They tell  you not to pick over the items. Basically, you touch it, you take it, but I am thinking this is getting a little crazy.

We shall see what the rest of the season brings. I am excited that the weather has turned and turning the oven on will not be torture!

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