Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 12

Week 12's pick up included:
  • 4 Ears of Corn
  • 2 pounds mixed of Carrots and Japanese Eggplant (long, purple things)
  • 2 Peppers (green and red)
  • 1.25 Pounds of Tomatoes (not impressed at the quality of these. Very squishy and bruised)
  • One "green" choice - a head of salad lettuce. Other Choices were Kale and Swiss Chard)

I am going to go google things to do with Japanese Eggplant now!

Also, I need to catch up with a few dishes I have made. The summer is definitely getting in the way! I wanted to keep up with the pick ups though so I can look back at the year and see if it is worth doing again next year.

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