Thursday, June 27, 2013

Week 3 (Green Stuff!)

Third week, and the second pick up in some pretty wet weather. Thank goodness for their tents.
This week includes lots of green stuff:

Rain caused tonight's 'photo session' to be inside & in poor lighting.

Kale was the one choice item. I think the other options were turnips. This week, I am looking forward to the Kale (I have never had it) and the Kohlrabi. It seems you can do some really neat things with this vegetable. I am hopeful Stella likes the pea tendrils. She LOVES sweet peas, so maybe?? She ate a piece of lettuce this evening with her dinner. Then she started crying. I am not sure if the two were related. I hope not.

We did the standard routing of washing the lettuce down when we got home.

Stella helping

I have already eaten a big bowl of the lettuce this evening. I just added some cherry tomatoes, feta, the rest of the scallions from week one, and some dressing. It was very Yummy!

For the Kohlrabi, you should separate the globe and the greens for storage. (This book, recommended by FDC, was very helpful this evening!). I included it in the water bath with the lettuce to clean it up, then removed the greens from the bulb and stored the bulb in the fridge. It should last for at least 2 weeks (I hope). The leaves can be used with other greens, so I added them to my salad this evening.  I did remove the center stem from the leaves as it just seemed really thick. (I later learned this is called the "center rib". 2 + points for google).

Kohlrabi at the depot (I remembered to take a picture this time)
in the water bath getting clean,
greens and bulb separated,
and on the living room floor (Stella helped unpack)

I was definitely able to tell which greens in my salad were the Kohlrabi as they were much thicker & stronger. I am glad that I mixed them with all of the lettuce, because I think I was at my max with the amount I could eat. I didn't dislike them, but I would not want an entire bowl of them. At least raw - I have a feeling they would be very good sauteed. But raw was easy and yummy this evening!

Taking a break from lettuce washing

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