Saturday, June 22, 2013


So red
As being part of the coop, you are expected to do some volunteering during the season. This could mean staffing the tent, helping with set-up, break-down, helping with administrative stuff, or picking up and delivering items. I can't stand not knowing what I can do when I want to (need to) do something. Staffing the tent, or set-up / break-down, are pretty much out of the question, as I don't think Stella will be too helpful during these times.

So, when a last minute opportunity to pick up some plant shares in Melrose and drive them to Salem came up, I jumped on it. My route home gets very close to Melrose. I looked at a map and it seemed totally doable, so I signed up. They threw in some strawberries as an enticement for doing this delivery. Bonus. At the next weeks pick-up, along with my small veggie, I also got a small pint (quart? I can never remember which one is smaller). This resulted in strawberry goodness.

Dirty knees...

One of the reasons I did not sign up for a fruit share this season was because we are still unsure of Stella's food allergies. Last summer, she appeared to have a reaction to strawberries. This was before we had a better grip on what she is allergic to and not allergic to. Now, I feel pretty confident that I can spot any trouble, and she has been doing so good lately, that I figured this was the perfect time to have her try some strawberries. And yes, the epi-pens were near-by.

Before the full-on eating commenced, I did a quick skin test and waited a few minutes. Then I let her take a tiny bite, and waited again. We seemed to be in the clear.

note the strawberry juice dripping down her chin

The strawberries were AMAZING! They were not tart, not to sweet, just perfect. So much so, that as soon as Stella wakes from her nap, we are heading to the local farm to pick up some more.

"Hey, Mom, Want Some?"

"Just kidding!"

She did eventually share, and no strawberries made it inside that night.

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