Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Garlic Scapes & Cilantro

Apparently, Garlic Scapes are "hot" right now. Or, at least according to this article. Both my husband and I googled them, as we have never encountered them before.

Some interesting notes from the article:
"For years, gardeners and even farmers have been lopping off garlic scapes—the stalks of hardneck garlic plants—and tossing them in compost piles, but over the past couple of years, people have become more aware that they’re not just edible, but delicious"
"The curly green stalks—which just came into season and will be around for about another month—have a distinct garlic flavor, with a sharper green note.
Use garlic scapes anywhere you’d use garlic, or toss them in salads, grill them with a little olive oil and salt, or stuff them in a roast chicken, advised Rogowski, who has a host of garlic scape recipes on her blog, including one for a pesto."
One hint my sister provided, was that you can trim them and place them in a vase of water, just like flowers.

So, that's what I did....

They look a little like Medusa and after a few days the smell of garlic definitely grew stronger (which is totally okay by me).

Since I was not sure what to do with them, on Monday my husband whipped up some guacamole. He added diced Garlic Scapes, some of the Cilantro and the tomatoes I purchased at the store. VERY yummy.

I am still unsure of what to do with the Garlic Leeks and the Fennel. I heard the Garlic Leeks can last a good two weeks in the fridge, so hopefully something in this weeks pick up will inspire me! The Fennel, I am not to thrilled about. I hate the taste of it (lickerish). Next time, I probably would not pick that share. 

And the white turnips! Still in the fridge. AHHHH!!!!

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