Saturday, June 22, 2013


Well, I seem to be finally trying to get my act together and have created a for-reals blog (tumblr does not count). Running with the big kids!

This year I have signed up for a food coop. I am not a good cook. Just last year was the first time I ever cooked a vegetable outside of the microwave (and it wasn't frozen). I want to be a better example for my daughter - who luckily will eat anything. So, I signed up for 1 small (baby steps, people) vegetable share with Farm Direct Coop. You can find out more info on them here.

The season goes from mid June to October. You pick up your items once a week at a central pick-up location. The one for this particular coop is right down the street from us, about three blocks away. This is one of the main reasons for deciding to try it out. It is so convenient! On Thursday afternoons, Stella and I can head there on our way home from work / daycare. Also convenient, my sister uses the same coop, but a different town, and a Tuesday pick up. So, on Wednesdays, so has been emailing me a heads-up of what to expect, which is very helpful!

Since fresh, local veggies are a foreign concept to me, I want to start noting what I have tried, what worked (or so far, didn't work) and a place to store all the awesome pictures that I am getting. Like my asparagus:

Before the season officially started, there were a few opportunities for some 'pre-season' purchases. One of them was local asparagus. One bundle of asparagus was $5 and I picked it up one Friday after work at the local organizers home (My friend Amanda also took advantage of this the week before, snagging some local eggs along with the asparagus). This was the LONGEST asparagus I have ever seen. I had to trim it a little just to get it to fit in the veggie drawer in the fridge (but just a little, since it was all green and edible).

Asparagus I have done before. The next evening, I roasted it in a pan in the oven, with a little olive oil, garlic and salt and pepper (with a little google-ing to see how long it should cook for) Thankfully (?) it has been a very chilly spring, so having the oven on in May has actually been a good thing. I had the asparagus alongside some Mac & Cheese for dinner. Stella had the same thing for dinner (although hers was cut up just a little more). It was very yummy. If the season goes like this, it will be a success!

Here is the full recipe I worked with (minus the shallots, and straight lemon juice versus fresh lemons)

  • 1 bunch asparagus, washed
  • 1 tbl extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp minced garlic
  • 1 shallot, thinly sliced
  • 1 pinch salt
  • ½ tsp ground black pepper
  • ½ lemon, quartered
  1. Preheat the oven to 475 degrees Fahrenheit. Break off the bottoms of the asparagus. Toss with the olive oil, garlic, shallot, salt and ground black pepper.
  1. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Place the asparagus one spear deep.
  1. Insert the sheet into the oven and bake for 6 to 9 minutes, until it has reached the desired tenderness – leave it in longer if wanting it softer. Serve with a squeeze of lemon.

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